Monday, March 10, 2008

Levelling thru 40

Whirlwind fast.

Getting from 40-48 was over in a heartbeat. That horse changes how you do things in HUGE ways. Distance to the next target, seconds now. Time between quest completion and returning to your quest giver, minutes. All this adds up to zero downtime.

Affliction Warlock with Improved Life-Tap, Improved Life-drain, and Dark pact? Yea. Free mana forever. I only stop to loot, skin, and mine. THAT'S IT.

As far as levelling up to 50 to get your felguard, meh. I'm sure its a powerful pet and able to crush foes with nary a thought. I still have two instant Fear spells, three Instant Dots, and 100% efficiency. I'm throwing away soul shards because I can't burn thru them fast enough.

The Badlands. 6 quests inside an hour. Made 2 levels there.

Fearalas. 3 quests .. Another level there.

Arathi Highlands. 4 quests... Another level.

I'm shipping materials and green items to my Level 10 warrior to put on the AH. WHY? His money is essentially mine. As a bonus, I don't have to return to a city, except to train. I just quickly log over and put up a stack of Iron ore, Mithril Bars, Mageweave, Coarse Stone, or some Gloves of the Eagle. A couple hours later, I log over, collect my gold, and keep grinding.

At 48, I'm poised with a couple Arathi Basin upgrades to hit the PVP brackets again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Grats on the rapid growth. Getting the felsteed was definitely a milestone in my warlock career as well. Just wait till you get your dreadsteed. Even though the mats are harder to come by and it still costs a chunk of coin, it's a heck of a lot of fun. Don't do what so many other aspiring warlocks have and ignore the Dreadsteed quest!!

Start saving now, and ask around; you may be able to find someone who still has all the reagents for the summoning circle.

Good luck!